Friday, May 10, 2019

My Brain Trust

At my age, brain fitness is a priority. I'm backing away from those who choose not to exercise their brains.....or use them at all.  Staying sharp as a senior is as important as staying physically healthy!  Here are a few tips to keep up the mental magic.

  1. Learn something new..every time you learn something new, your brain makes a new connection. They even said learning to fly a drone and activate a new brain connection... That lasted about 2 crashes and a tree landing for me!
  2. Take a walk...4000 steps a day produces thicker hippocampi (the part of the brain associated with long-term memory).  I guess 2000 steps just lead to thicker hips!
  3. Be a Social Butterfly...talking, listening and socializing can be a super dose of mental fitness.   Yesterday, I overdosed!!
  4. Food for Thought...They suggest eliminating dairy, gluten, processed food and sugar.   What else is there?
  5. Go Nuts...Already there!
  6. Stop and Smell the Rosemary...The sense of smell can trigger many memories and emotions.If you smell, spritz, sip or cook with fresh rosemary, you'll be promoting cognitive function and speed up memory.
  7. Take a nap...A 40 minute nap can transfer memories from the hippocampus to long-lasting knowledge networks of the cortex.
  8. Challenge yourself in fun ways! Walk backwards, write with your non-dominant hand, hop on one leg or even brush your teeth with your "other hand!" They say to work your brain the way you work your muscles..  Well, that analogy sucks!
I guess I might have to do some more reading on keeping my brain trust in the black and continuing to provide me with much needed revenue!!!

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