Monday, May 13, 2019

The Two Types of Blue Moons
There are two definitions commonly used today:
  • Seasonal Blue Moon: The extra full Moon that occurs within a season. One season—winter, spring, fall, summer—typically has three full moons. If a season has four full moons, then the third full moon in the season may be called a Blue Moon.
  • Calendrical Blue Moon: The second full moon of a calendar month. It takes our Moon about 29.5 days to complete one cycle of phases (from new Moon to new Moon), so if a full Moon occurs on the first of a month, there will be a second full Moon at the end of the month, too (except in February).


As of this writing, the next Blue Moon according to either definition will occur on May 18, 2019, at 5:11 P.M. EDT
This will be a seasonal Blue Moon, since the May full Moon is the third of four full Moons to occur in Spring 2019, defined by the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice.
The four full Moons are:
  1. Full Worm Moon: March 20 at 9:43 P.M. EDT
  2. Full Pink Moon: April 19 7:12 A.M. EDT
  3. Full Flower Moon: May 18 at 5:11 P.M. EDT <- lue="" nbsp="" oon="" span="">
  4. Full Strawberry Moon: June 17 at 4:31 A.M. EDT

Friday, May 10, 2019

My Brain Trust

At my age, brain fitness is a priority. I'm backing away from those who choose not to exercise their brains.....or use them at all.  Staying sharp as a senior is as important as staying physically healthy!  Here are a few tips to keep up the mental magic.

  1. Learn something new..every time you learn something new, your brain makes a new connection. They even said learning to fly a drone and activate a new brain connection... That lasted about 2 crashes and a tree landing for me!
  2. Take a walk...4000 steps a day produces thicker hippocampi (the part of the brain associated with long-term memory).  I guess 2000 steps just lead to thicker hips!
  3. Be a Social Butterfly...talking, listening and socializing can be a super dose of mental fitness.   Yesterday, I overdosed!!
  4. Food for Thought...They suggest eliminating dairy, gluten, processed food and sugar.   What else is there?
  5. Go Nuts...Already there!
  6. Stop and Smell the Rosemary...The sense of smell can trigger many memories and emotions.If you smell, spritz, sip or cook with fresh rosemary, you'll be promoting cognitive function and speed up memory.
  7. Take a nap...A 40 minute nap can transfer memories from the hippocampus to long-lasting knowledge networks of the cortex.
  8. Challenge yourself in fun ways! Walk backwards, write with your non-dominant hand, hop on one leg or even brush your teeth with your "other hand!" They say to work your brain the way you work your muscles..  Well, that analogy sucks!
I guess I might have to do some more reading on keeping my brain trust in the black and continuing to provide me with much needed revenue!!!

Monday, May 6, 2019

New Normal

Change is strange..... it's making things radically different to charting a different position or course.   I thought I was too old for change...little did I know. Some changes don't ask for permission. I'm in the midst of that right now.  Saying no is not an option.  I need to take the protagonist position right now but I don't have the power to affect the outcome...I don't like that......not one bit.

I'm supposed to be the elder with the experience and the good advice.  Without having the experiences, I find myself treading water while trying to decide which stroke will help me (us!)  Basically, I just want OUT of the pool! 

I have taken so many deep breaths lately that I've found myself with terminal hiccups.  What I want to do (and say) is nowhere near what I know is prudent. Then again, being prudent, cautious and filtered has never been my strong suit!

My new normal is helping when asked, abstaining from unsolicited advice, keeping the new monikers to a minimum and learning to accept that I am not only unnecessary but in some cases, unwanted. That's a challenge..especially during Mother's Day week when everyone seems to be over appreciative. 

I have reconciled that life is (will be) different. That I will be thankful for those who care, leery of those who do not and wise enough to know the difference.

P.S.  I still love Mondays!♥

Thursday, May 2, 2019

PA. bound

The only reason I would relish the thought of Pennsylvania is to retrieve my #1.  New normal, new start, new goals.

Heading to Levittown !  Back tomorrow!  Ready for what comes next..

 Douglas MacArthur was a wise man:

Build me a son, O Lord, who will be strong enough to know when he is weak and brave enough to face himself when he is afraid, one who will be proud and unbending in honest defeat and humble and gentle in victory! ♥