Tuesday, February 27, 2018

I'd rather be Ready.......

The sage advice I've always remembered.......I'd rather be ready and not go than to go and not be ready.  Mentally, I'm not ready, Physically, Meh! but financially...Take that Medicaid!!! I'm ready!  Jeff is now the sole owner of EIEIO.......with lifetime use for his aging parents, of course! Now, when the eaves need cleaning or the patio furniture needs to be moved, I'll just make a call and remind him...."It is your house!"

Along with the property transfer, we have new wills, new POAs and new Health Proxies.  We're good to go, literally!

What really amazes me is the number of folks who have no exit strategy.  It really makes no difference whether you have a lot of money or just a little. What matters is the fact that you will make your demise a little less stressful for your family that stays behind.  If you have small children and you have no will, you're just plain an idiot.  If you're comfortable with the courts and a judge dispersing your assets and placing your children, then skip all the hoopla and go ignorantly into the world.  Every day I sound more like my father... (that's not such a bad thing!)  Along the way, I'm trying to teach my children the process.  50% isn't bad :-/ You can lead a horse to water............but if outside influences bullshit the horse into thinking it's not thirsty..... oh well...dehydration begins.  Maybe the drinking the kool-aid will work for them!

I'm completely comfortable with my decisions. I made my pros and cons list, consulted those in the know and signed on the dotted line....a lot!

Now, to enjoy what comes next.  I think it involves water!

Friday, February 16, 2018

The Blame Game

Another school shooting:-(  Life goes on but this came closer.  Seventeen people, students, teachers and innocent bystanders, were murdered in cold blood on Valentine's Day.  One of these victims was a close friend of a friend.  Chris Hixon was the athletic director of the High School in Parkland, Florida where a crazed teenager murdered 17 with full premeditation!  For a grueling hour, children were barricaded in their rooms, under desks, crammed in closets listening to the deafening shots that murdered their friends and teachers. The killer had pulled the fire alarms and thrown smoke bombs to draw the students and the faculty from their rooms.....grouping them into running, accessible targets! One student was atop a pile of others and bled out while another had their face blown off. Graphic, you betcha!!!!! and so much so that we should not forget....not next week or next year or ever...The number of shootings has almost become normal...It should never be accepted as anything but violent and murderous and certainly not an everyday (or month) occurrence!

Then as quickly as the shooting stops, the blame game begins.  The media, who I've grown to almost hate throughout the last 12 months, cries on screen and pleads with the President and lawmakers to "Do something about it!"..."Save our children!"..... If there were a horrendous plane crash, they'd be pleading for more air safety measures. If there was a tornado, FEMA, climate gurus and lawmakers would be chastised for not predicting or preparing or allocating enough funds.  IT'S ALWAYS SOMEONE ELSE'S FAULT!  Uhn uh!!!!   It's our fault.  We wait for others to take a stand, we wait for others to donate, we wait for others to fix it..... The ones we're waiting for are the ones we elected.  Forget party affiliation, forget "sides", forget finger pointing.... Look in the mirror, stand up tall and blame the one who can ALWAYS make a difference..... US!  We can't and won't change the world but we can help to change NYS, we can help to change Cayuga County, we can help to change Moravia and we can help to change the focus around our very own dinner tables.  Harry Truman was a pretty smart fellow. He knew the blame game was played without rules and never had a winner but always had a loser.  Let's remember "The buck stops here!" 

Friday, February 9, 2018

I'm back!

Somehow.......I have managed to regain my google account!  Since someone used my computer a few months ago, I had been unable to sign in with my google password... After many times trying...I was just unable to delete that account and regain mine. Hallelujah!  It seemed I had lost my only avenue to vent, be mad, be silly and maybe even a bit profound at times.  I'm not a good loser!  I am, however; a good winner.....and I'm back in the game.

Catch up could be lengthy! It's been a long, often tedious, two months.  The holidays were great. Bailee was staying with us so we were able to have Christmas Eve and Christmas morning with her.  You're never too old to read "The Night Before Christmas," fill stockings and leave goodies for Santa and the reindeer.

Now, back to Bailee staying with us.  As parents, we hope that we will make the best decisions the majority of the time.  We often find those decisions might not be what we hoped for or what is "right for us!"  The day we chose parenthood, the right to choose for what we thought was our joy first, was sent to the back burner.  I do believe strongly the correlation to the airline instruction for oxygen.......use first for yourself so you are then able to sustain your children......but......in everyday decisions, those breaths become long term.  If a decision you are making is undermining your family, it's most likely the wrong decision.  I'm sure I've discussed the "Buzz List of Pros and Cons!"  You have a major decision to make, you list the good things about that possible move and the bad....then you work the list.  What cons can you live with, how will they affect everyone, can you change a con.  All puns intended! 

Bailee chose to be with us for several weeks as she was unhappy with circumstances at home.  Stability, role modeling and work ethic are all things learned by a child.  Formative years only roll around once in a lifetime.  Having an outspoken, intuitive, bright child is sometimes a piece that doesn't fit into your puzzle.  When that happens, as it did with our situation, that piece stays at Grandma's!

Making good choices is tough.....Often times situations seen through different eyes become blurred. What should never be fuzzy is what is best for those who are unable to make their own decisions.  What Grandmas can do is steer the course, teach the lessons, calm the seas and provide the anchor.
That bridge over trouble water can ALWAYS lead to Grandma's where the noise is white, jovial and crystal clear!