Monday, February 27, 2017

"Hair" Today....Gone Tomorrow

Well, they did it.  Jett's first haircut and miraculously, we all lived through it.... Mostly me!  I'm pretty sure a Face Book comment saying, "She is so cute!" might have tipped the scales in favor of the scissors.  Mom and Dad said he was such a good buy and they documented it for posterity (and Grandma!)  The curls were saved and he does look even more handsome if that is even a possibility!  His Mama has an affliction for a hard part and now at least one of her boys....has one! I must concur, it looks great. Here's the proof:

Monday, February 20, 2017

Mind Builders

I love Lego's.  My checkbook disagrees with my love of Lego's but I believe they're worth every overpriced penny! Bailee spent an entire week-end constructing a Lego Bat-Cave and Bat-mobile.  There were literally thousands of pieces some as minuscule as a screw head. Three books of step by step instructions, bags of pieces and people and stickers to adhere.  There were even moving parts.  I thought, who in the world imagines these sets and then forms and consolidates the pieces and instructions?  This just might be a worthy profession.  I know that the construction alone instills patience, hand - eye- coordination (I couldn't even pick up one of the tiny pieces,) following intricate instructions, reading and comprehension and spacial acuity.  The biggest, and maybe for me, the most alluring quality is that various forms of technology;  gaming systems, tablets and ipads, pods and phones lay idle for hours.... Thank you Ole Kirk Christiansen for your foresight.  This man and his 12 year old son, invented Lego's, which by the way is Danish for "play well" and coincidentally means "put together" in Latin kidding!!!!!!!  In the 30's, Ole's company produced wooden toys and later invested in a machine to make plastic interlocking blocks in 1947. The modern version of the Lego block was patented in 1958..the same year Ole passed away. They are still made today in over 130 countries around the world and the company is still run by the Christiansen family.  I'm happy to say that the Lego Legacy will live on for many years to least for Bailee .......and me......and hopefully Jett (I'm pretty sure there's a Lego Jet!)

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Gotcha...It's Valentine's Day

One of the most special days of the year in our world is Valentine's Day.  It's also, "Gotcha day!" 38 years ago, on this day, we brought Jeff home♥ I remember it vividly...and most everything else, I do not ;-) Recently, the day has been given even more significance when Jeff and Lacie started dating and the following year, he asked her to marry him....... all on February 14th. So, in essence, it's kind of a "Gotcha Day' for Jeff too.

This year was a fun day!  Here's the proof:

Monday, February 6, 2017


Wow, 365 days flew by like a flash. I can remember this day one year ago. The "kids" were off to a Dr's appointment then the call came that they were coming home to gather their "stuff" and heading to have a Jett.  I picked up Mima (Pam) and then we stopped at school to gather Julz.  It was a long 12 hours but we all managed to watch some TV, read some books, color in the swearing coloring books,  decorate a sleeping Papa with maxie pads and finally get down to a few hours of labor.  Somewhere in the fray of waiting (or maybe just a malfunction on the anesthesiologist's part).....the epidural failed....Lace was a 12:48 a.m. after a few "Oh Gods" and only 3 "Oh F@*#s", we had a beautiful Jett....perfect in every single way....from his nose to his wings to his perfect little tail!!  I have been blessed to witness the birth of my grand kids and each was spectacular. My first experiences with childbirth were worth the wait.♥

This has been a remarkable year. I gained another daughter, another beautiful, smart and sassy granddaughter and an amazingly handsome grandson who is his Dad through and through.... from his cheery disposition to the curls on his head. Happy Birthday Jett Hewitt Hatfield♥

                                                  Each day is as special as the first!!! Love you!!!

Image may contain: 2 people

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Ground Hog Day

This just might be "My Day!"  I've become an old creature of habit...which means someone who is "extremely used to their own habits and does not function well without them!" Throw in a little bit of superstition and ....yep, that's me! Some would presume that makes life a little boring.  I think that makes life just fine.  I have a slight routine and I'm quite content following it.  Once in a while a little challenge or twist is a good thing but I enjoy my lifestyle and I can certainly handle 6 more weeks of winter...each day is a gift no matter the season or the weather. Boy, I am sounding geezerly!  

This just might be "My Day!"  I've become an old creature of habit...which means someone who is "extremely used to their own habits and does not function well without them!" Throw in a little bit of superstition and ....yep, that's me! Some would presume that makes life a little boring.  I think that makes life just fine.  I have a slight routine and I'm quite content following it.  Once in a while a little challenge or twist is a good thing but I enjoy my lifestyle and I can certainly handle 6 more weeks of winter...each day is a gift no matter the season or the weather. Boy, I am sounding geezerly!  

This just might be "My Day!"  I've become an old creature of habit...which means someone who is "extremely used to their own habits and does not function well without them!" Throw in a little bit of superstition and ....yep, that's me! Some would presume that makes life a little boring.  I think that makes life just fine.  I have a slight routine and I'm quite content following it.  Once in a while a little challenge or twist is a good thing but I enjoy my lifestyle and I can certainly handle 6 more weeks of winter...each day is a gift no matter the season or the weather. Boy, I am sounding geezerly!  

This just might be "My Day!"  I've become an old creature of habit...which means someone who is "extremely used to their own habits and does not function well without them!" Throw in a little bit of superstition and ....yep, that's me! Some would presume that makes life a little boring.  I think that makes life just fine.  I have a slight routine and I'm quite content following it.  Once in a while a little challenge or twist is a good thing but I enjoy my lifestyle and I can certainly handle 6 more weeks of winter...each day is a gift no matter the season or the weather. Boy, I am sounding geezerly!  

 Get it?