Thursday, June 23, 2016


Face Book shouldn't be the place for whining and complaining... We all have our own struggles and we all wish things would get easier at times. Especially when you reach Senior Citizenship.... decisions should be simpler, worries should be fewer, responsibilities should be lighter and days should just be happier. I've decided that expecting less makes for fewer disappointments.I was always a glass half full kinda person and it makes me a little sad that lowering my expectations, lessens my stress.....but it does. I expect people to learn how to spell and speak in a way that shows they listened to their teachers or at least cringed a bit when someone said, "I done that" or "Her and I went to the movies." I expect people to understand that at a 4 way stop the first one there is the first one to leave! I expect a man to hold open a door for a gal knowing full well she can open the door herself. I expect that if someone has taken the time to give a gift, you should thank them!! God forbid you actually write a quick note but there are still phones, email and texts. Eventually that person may write you off their list. And most of all, I expect people to be kind; they aren't...even little people! And then there are the people who say Face Book isn't the place for whining and complaining.... I expect them to know better too!!! 

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