Wednesday, June 22, 2016

School's - Out - For - Summer!

4th grade is in the books (literally!)  The stress of common core has lessened and some new skills have been acquired. A few bouts of bullying were handled and socialization took on some new forms.  Bailee's love of reading is still fully entrenched.  I love the way she reads with passion and inflection. Within minutes of listening to her read, I know the characters by her oral interpretations. Her artistic skills improved ......her singing skills did not..... but thankfully that hasn't stopped her from belting out tunes and dancing like nobody's watching. .......not that she'd care if they were.  A new experience is on the horizon next week when she'll head off to sleep away, church camp....both of which are brand new chapters in her book of life.  She'll be packing her blankie AND a bible.  This should be interesting.  I attended the same camp more than 50 years ago and I loved it.  I learned the 23rd Psalm and John 3-16 there.... I still remember both even if I did once recite the 23rd Psalm in front of the entire congregation saying, "And I will drool in the house of the Lord forever!"  My first stand up act!

We have a busy summer ahead with camp,  a week at the river, Uncle Jeff and Aunt Lacie's wedding and party, Greek Peak and then preparing for the very last year at MFES (Millard Fillmore Elementary School.) Time flies and we should cherish every single moment!

Congrats Bailee for being a smart (ass) little girl with an amazing sense of humor and for loving me right back! I couldn't imagine my life without you!

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