Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Color my World

The last few days have been full of spring and warmth. As I sit n my backyard and listen to the white noise that filters down from the falls, I relish in the fact that it is all mine and provided, free of charge, by Mother Nature. The skies are a beautiful blue with wisps of white occasionally sliding by.  I'm comfortably settled in my lounge chair in the hopes that my white wrinkles will turn into brown ones.  I'm smiling as I realize that that bright yellow sun contributed to the onset of those wrinkles in the first place but....oh well... pale and pasty were never part of our vocabulary. Hewitt women were outside and doomed to be planted with wrinkly knees and sun-kissed laugh lines.   We yearned for more than just alligator shoes :-)  The grass is greening and the proverbial dandelions have popped up in a couple spots. A plethora of wildlife is everywhere.... flying, crawling and even slithering....( Lee would be up on a chair.)  A stray woolly-bear inching its black and orange across the patio, a flighty ladybug landing on my Kindle, mating songs from a couple of red-winged blackbirds and the loud and proud hammering of our resident pileated woodpecker all carelessly doing their spring thing.  Within the 45 minutes I listened and watched, I was visited by dark-eyed juncos, chickadees, goldfinches, hairy and downy woodpeckers, a sparrow, a nuthatch, 2 doves, a blue jay and a partridge in a pear tree...(Ok, skip the partridge.)  I was, however, entertained by a peahen and 3 chickens who were nicely eating the bugs and working the soil under the old, fallen leaves....  definitely living up to their redneck handle of "yard birds!"

I managed to read 3 chapters in my book... two once and one twice.  I found myself more engrossed in the poetry of my yard than the prose of the story.  My friends travel and post pictures of all the wonderful places they go and sights that they see... the sands of beaches and the fronds of palms.  I'll take this little piece of paradise any day.. No crayons needed at EIEIO to color my world, just have to open my eyes!

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