Monday, February 16, 2015

Eagle Eyes..mine

Yesterday was an exceptional day.  As you all know, I'm a wee bit eagle-centric.  I have been noticing  an eagle (or two) flying up through the  falls and perching in the back yard trees...(which will now be known as Eagle Pass.)  Well, yesterday was a banner day.. The kids were here for supper and they spotted a couple eagles feeding across the road.  "There are two, no wait, 3, 4, holy shit there are 6 eagles across the road." I was literally tripping over myself to get to my camera, my binoculars and trying to decide which window to peer from first.  I still get goose bumps when I see one, so seeing six nearly gave me the big one!  The kids made fun of me but I saw them scampering from window to window too.  They were perching in trees close to the house ( the eagles, not the kids) as well as one landing ON the house. It was my own personal Alaskan adventure.  I sat up late doing a bit more research on fledglings. I wondered where they went, when they began mating and how long they stayed near their parents.  It appears that I have eagle tendencies.  They spread their wings and venture out into the world for a bit but they come home to "roost!"  They don't begin their families until they are mature (4-5 years) and they mate for life. The may divorce if their mate is unable to have a family (Whew, I dodged that bullet.)
Recently I have taken some photos of what I couldn't really identify but thought was a hawk.  Now, I see it was a fledgling. They're not a pretty bird until their white feathers appear in their 5th year. Until then, they continue to search for safe nesting sights near water....usually.  They often appear larger than their parents as their feathers are longer and thicker until they are fully mature. They also have dark eyes and beaks which, during the maturing process, will turn yellowy orange! 
I am thrilled that babies are surviving and settling here. That means that we'll see more and more of these majestic beauties for years to come. I'm so glad they chose EIEIO...

This fledgling is nearing maturation... notice the beak changing to a brighter orange.  The other two fledglings still have dark gray possibly they are last year's babies!

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