I often balk at change and profess my love of all things calm and copacetic. That is until I think about the technology that has me hooked. I've been a fan of the computer since we needed an entire table top to house the components and were mesmerized when what we typed spewed out on paper from the adjoining piece of equipment. I thought Atari was genius and heading done the Oregon Trail for hours on end made my mind expand as well as my ass. Today, I continue to love books of all kinds as I mourn the loss of my need for more bookshelves. I continue my affair with movies and the theater and even my donation of my Encyclopedia Britannica brought tears to my eyes....but, I'm caught in that web (and you know how I abhor all things spidery and webby.) Maybe leopards can change their spots and old dogs can learn new tricks. The thought of any of my 5 top websites crashing now ranks right up there with chocolate factories closing, pigs (bacon) becoming extinct and daylight saving time being discontinued!! Here they are in order of importance....for me:
1. Face Book....I adore all those wonderful people I have friended and those who have friended me. hand in hand with my obsession with words, I love too, that friend has now become a verb!!
2. Amazon.......I undoubtedly buy 75-90% of everything at Amazon.com. Most is shipped free and arrives in 2 days.... hell, it takes me longer to make my rounds to Kinney's and the Modern Market!
3. Google.......Seriously between Google and Siri, I have knowledge.
4. Yahoo........I've got mail!!
5. Netflix......My newest and latest "must have!" I often find it hard to believe that with 7 televisions (don't go there,) nearly 100 channels, a movie theater in-house and DVDs that I haven't even opened (mostly because I can't even get the f-ing cellophane off!) that I am in this affair with a website that provides me any genre of viewing at the push of a few buttons....on nearly any device..........................including my phone...
Holy shit...I am Jane Jetson.
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