Friday, March 7, 2014


Remember when I made two "sketchy" resolutions for New Years? One was keeping my desk clean and the other was learning a new word every day.  One didn't.  Somewhere here on my desk is today's word.  It's froward!  I know, my first thought involved a inner mini rant about the idiot who types and publishes the "Word of the Day" on my home page. Seriously, could they at least hire someone who knows how to spell, keyboard and proof read!!!  My bad.. (who the hell ever thought I'd say "my bad?")  One of my prior "new words/phrases!  Anyway, I looked it up...It is, indeed, FROWARD...

Word of the Day

  • froward
  • audio pronunciation
  • \FROH-erd\
: habitually disposed to disobedience and opposition
The nanny informed the parents that she would seek employment elsewhere if the froward child could not be compelled to be more obedient. 

Good thing I didn't contact the programmer that posts the "word of the day" and tell them they really should get their act together. ......not that I've ever done that....................a lot!

So, with today's word (and  "jumping to conclusions" lesson) under my belt, I'm moving forward on this sunny, winter day. I'm pleased that I know very few people, if any, that are froward.  I have no froward friends,no froward relatives, no froward thoughts and will immediately disregard any froward folks and comments on Frace Book...;-)

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