Club is a four letter word. There are so many kinds of clubs. You can have a club sandwich. You can enjoy a round of golf with your clubs culminating with some cold ones at the Country Club. You can don your sparkly top and your go go boots (age thing) and head out for a night at the Club. You can drift back to cave man days and reminisce about the men who carried a club and dragged their women by their hair (btw, why do cavemen drag their women by their hair?.............because if they dragged them by their feet, they fill up with dirt1!) You can play poker and have a straight with all clubs. You can be part of a professional baseball club. A clubhouse in your favorite tree or neighbor's garage or basement is one of the "funnest" things you might ever do in your childhood. There's Fight Club, Bridge Club, Gun Clubs, Lions Club, Rotary Club, the American Kennel Club and even Sam's Club!!!! There's even DRAMA fulfilling and such a wonderful avenue for building self esteem as a child and young adult..... Clubs are awesome..............Drama.............not so much. Drama should be left on stage and end on or near your 16th birthday. Wikipedia explains that drama is the specific mode of FICTION represented in a PERFORMANCE.'s a untruthful act..... a show......a classic, "who really gives a damn", grow up display of immaturity unless acted out on a stage.
You know me! If I think it or feel it, you'll know it!! That could be a very good thing....or maybe not. I've tried to raise my kids knowing that drama is overrated and that everyone has issues. We're pretty much all the same despite where we live, what we drive, what our job is and where we came from. You reap what you sow and you are what you've earned and only YOU can make yourself happy. There will always be those who thrive on drama....especially in small town America.
So if you have a notion to join a club, stay far away from the ADC (Adult Drama Club) and head for..........maybe..... a Strip Club. There you can shed your worries and the bare facts will become crystal clear. Who doesn't love a good club?
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