Wednesday, October 12, 2011

It's official

It's official....Lee's old! ( I already knew I was)  This week-end while heading to camp at Sampson, we stopped in Union Springs for gas.....which happened to be right next to a produce market.  Lee remarked that we should get some pumpkins to dress up our site. OK, who are you and what have you done with my husband?  I told him we'd be fine without pumpkins but he insisted.  So over to the market we drove... He wandered through the quilt of colors (they were beautiful) and found 2 pumpkins and 2 huge mums.  Couldn't go wrong as the mums were only $5.... I pay more for a bloody mary!!!  Off we go loaded for bear with landscaping and holiday decorations.  Now, preHA (heart attack), flowers would be the last thing he would worry about transporting for the week-end.. Scotch maybe, but way.  In fact I would have been harshly criticized if the idea had originated with me...but I have big shoulders (and everything else) and had I wanted them....they'd have been loaded in Jerome before we departed.  We arrived at our site (#69 btw) and set up our decorations.  He was quite proud of how spiffy we looked.... and I was slapped with the realization that we're indeed getting "up there."  We didn't have a sign to hang on our week-end digs but I'm thinking I'll find one that says "Two old grumps live here...speak up!"

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