Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween 2011

Today is one of my favorite holidays.  We've glued and cut and sprayed and stapled and Rapunzel's tower is ready for tonight's "trek" and treat.  We haven't quite got the logistics down for the trek from the Modern Market to the 4-Town building but it'll all come together by 6 p.m. 
This morning, the cutest pumpkin in the patch headed to school for a day full of fun.
Tomorrow we'll have a photo journal of Rapunzel's quest for candy and her night on the town.
A BIG Halloween get well wish for one of our favorite people, Stella!  Must be she wanted Covert to dress up as a Doctor and he said, "No!" off she went to the hospital to find one of her very own.....Hope you feel better today....we promise all treats and no more tricks for you today!!!..
                                  Have a fun day and a safe night everyone!!

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