Thursday, December 16, 2010

Person of the Year

This kid (as BOTH of my kids are older than he) would get my vote too.  I love technology...I'm technologically challenged but I love it and try to surround myself w/ those who can help me...(Thank you Jess, Jeff, Casey, Jamie, Best Buy..and the list continues).  There are those people who say that they don't want their private business splashed across the Internet or they don't have time or they don't understand it but I am a HUGE (Billy Fuccillo kind) fan of Face Book. Kudos to this kid for the ingenuity, foresight and talent to literally start the world talking.  In one fell swoop..or click of the mouse, I have had the greatest time connecting and reconnecting with old and new friends and family.  It's a bit addictive but other than diet Pepsi and vices are few.  The dialogue alone that it generates boggles my mind.  People whom you thought you had little in common with become soul mates....Family I haven't see in 45 years, have become fast friends again.  ALL of us have the same aches and pains, trials and tribulations, day to day ups and downs but it really seems to lighten the load when we share. The most amazing thing to me is the genuineness ( yes, I looked it up, it's a word) of it all !  I'm a picture junkie.... hey I've even been known to take my camera to a funeral ( I have the most touching photos of all the great grandchildren sitting on the floor by Grandma Iva's casket after calling hours were over sharing stories and anecdotes of their wonderful memories of her).  I love ALL the photos on FB!!. Hey, I never knew so many enjoyed pictures of birds and there have been some beauties posted.  At our annual girls get together on Tuesday, one  the gals who's online but not FB... joked about how she didn't get to see all those neat things posted on MyFace.... That prompted some great laughs and will now stick with us forever.
Well my hat's off to you, Mark Zukerberg. You've made my world a little bit smaller and a lot more fun!!

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