Monday, December 13, 2010

More big days

Saturday we had a fun morning going to Breakfast w/ Santa.  Danielle and the girls, Holly Burhans and Nola, Jacki & Ally Brown and Bailee & Jess all joined me for some fun at Emerson Park.  I hired the local photog to tag along with us and capture the day forever.  Hopefully her pictures will be available soon.  Everybody had a great time.  Bailee asked Santa for "just everything".  Think that will go along nicely with what she's getting ;-).
Today, Bailee began her first day at UPK (Universal Pre-Kindergarten),  Jess has only one class next semester and it's a night class so it seemed silly to waste gas (@ $3.20 a gallon here in NYS) to drive her 3 days a week to pre-school in Auburn.  She loved it at Millard Fillmore which is right across the street from her house. She joins her cousin Alli and is now with all the kids she'll graduate with in 2024. Holy Crap!! I should have a picture to share tomorrow...
Most of the snow has melted but we're due for maybe a foot more by Thursday.  Winter Storm Watch from 1 p.m. today till 1 a.m. Thursday.  Obviously Mother Nature doesn't realize that winter begins NEXT week!

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