Wednesday, February 2, 2022

I'm Baaaaack!

 It's been a crazy few months with healthcare, grandcare, holidays and winter. Today is groundhog day and according to the movie, we keep reliving the time over and over again....."PLEASE GOD, NO!"  Today is actually sunny, about 20 degrees warmer than it has been for the past several weeks and the literal calm before the storm... Warnings and watches abound as we're expecting 6-12 inches of snow...Oh no!!!! Listen folks I'm at the end of my 70th year here on earth in this crazy, volatile, ambiguous state where anything can happen and usually does.  A foot of snow will neither panic me or slow me down..... well maybe slow me down a little. It's winter here in February and nobody should be surprised if it snows.  Snow actually beautifies what usually has become icy, dirty or too crappy to enjoy.  The kids will hope for a snow day, which actually has been restored to an absolute day remote learning, just a stay in your jammies day or suit up and play in the white stuff.

Trying to catch you all up while I've been on sabbatical would take too long, too many words and stories that even I couldn't make up. Suffice it to say, It's been a long few months. Jeff has been gaining in strength, Bailee has been killing it in academics and Jett has been growing up too fast. He'll be 6 on Sunday!  Jeff is in the process of building a barndominium on his new land, Bailee is looking forward to her Junior year when she will be spending 11 days in Spain and Portugal and Jett will be getting settled in his new digs and organizing his Minecraft clubhouse. (no worries, I don't know what Minecraft is either.) As long as we all have things to look forward to, we're good!

Every day for me still comes filled with worries and "what may be" but I'm learning to live each day on its own merits and not invite or obsess about the future. Life literally will be what you make it with various hiccups along the way. When they arrive, I'll hold my breath or even drink out of the opposite side of the glass (what's in it is my business!) I have pledged to myself to write at least once a week or maybe more.  Quiet time is at a premium these days and I treasure it knowing it will change soon and I'll love that too. 

For now, Happy Winter, Happy 2-2-22, Happy Groundhog Day and I'll pen (or type) something insightful soon♥

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