Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Top Ten....or more

Face Book has it's slew of interesting (and sometimes downright ridiculous) advice and info. The other day there was a top ten list of regrets you don't want to have in your old age. Here they are:

  1. Not playing with your children (I'm still playing with them 35 years later...the games are different and so are the rules)
  2. Working too much (I'm safe)
  3. Afraid to say I love you. (I have NEVER said those words to anyone who hasn't earned them....never.... and I say them daily to kids, grands and friends I adore!)
  4. Caring about what others think..... (really good to go on that one)
  5. Never taking risks (Possibly negligible risks as a teenager and financial ones as a young adult)
  6. Bad relationships  (guilty of a few.. learning experiences..some much longer than others)
  7. Not traveling  (Travel has never been a priority on my bucket list.  I like home!)
  8. Not spending time with parents (wish I had had more)
  9. Not quitting (I generally knew when to quit and when to hang in there..... this is a toughie)
  10. Realizing your beauty (Ehh... Beauty was never an important thing to me.... I'll take intelligence and humor over beauty any day)
Thankfully, at this advanced stage of my life I regret very little.  One of my biggest regrets is not using the talents that I believe I have.  I would love to have taken college courses that would stimulate my writing. I do not regret leaving college....not one bit!  College in 1970 was all about pot and collecting large amounts of money to pay untalented college professors. (ie: my Language and Thought professor at RIT always came to class with various colors of hair dye covering the large and very visible bald spot of the entire top of his head. He would take us canoeing and hiking...??? I withdrew from the class a month in...... I received a B+.....he obviously didn't miss me!

I have a couple of other regrets that are best left untold. Some could still be rectified but to the good of the whole, better just left as is!

Fortunately, I have never had the stress of not saying what I think or doing what I should.  I have some disappointments but they have little to do with regrets.....we all do.  Life is short and looking back won't help now.  I impart what little wisdom I have and hope that those within earshot listen. That I do not regret!

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