It seems that "moist" is a word that nobody likes....unless you're maybe a 40 year old virgin or a 60 year old in a 10 year drought...(and I don't mean the weather!) If you looked up the word moist in the dictionary...and who purposely would except me, you'll notice that it means slightly or moderately wet: not completely dry. No wonder nobody likes the word. Who in the world wants to be moderately wet...........ever? There is never a time I can recall where being just a little bit wet was a good thing. I personally prefer drenched....or dry...! I don't want to be moist in the shower or moist in the hot tub. I don't want to be moist when it's hot or moist when it's not. And I certainly don't want to be moist during sex.... I don't want to be anything during participating!!
Moist has such icky connotations that I prefer using the word damp. Please bring me a damp paper towel or the clothes in the dryer are still damp. With the humidity, my rugs all feel damp and the sticky floors are damp too. Although they're synonyms, moist should never be used for any situation...except maybe......................baked goods! There is nothing better than moist chocolate cake!!! No one would be in a hurry to grab an ice cold glass of milk and a hearty piece of damp chocolate cake.
So, one of our newly banned household words is moist. We add that to such disrespectful words as "stupid" and "shut up", such nasty words as "the old lady" and "C U next Tuesday" and the worst of all words, "Can't!"
I just can't....I mean won't.... allow them!!!! You're welcome Lacie and Abbie!
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