Yesterday, the happiest place on earth wasn't! There was no joy in the voices of those who, when asked, "Where are you headed next?" replied, "We're going to Disney World!" Orlando became the saddest place on earth......unless you're part of the most lethal faction in the world, who masquerades as a religion. I am not an outwardly religious person. I believe what I believe (or not) for reasons of my own. I do not preach to others or in any way try to invoke my feelings on them. On the other hand, I believe those who are passionate and vociferous about their feelings should have the right to believe as they do but with distinct limitations on preaching to the world. We have heard, and told, our fair share of jokes about Jehova's Witnesses, the Amish and even Muslims... guilty as charged! We are most likely a hypocritical society in the highest form. We are also a society that feels strongly about calling a spade a spade.... no racial innuendos intended. Soft peddling anything for the sake of political correctness is slowly becoming a thing of the past. We live in a very different word than a generation ago. The majority of us have no idea what is normal. Our children and grandchildren's perception of normal is frightening and unacceptable. Some of them have encountered more than a dozen mass shootings, bombings and slaughters in their short lives. Their geography lessons are creeping closer and closer to home....even to the happiest place on earth. We can no longer safely tell them that these are things happen across the ocean or in 3rd world countries, that we are safe here at home and they should not worry! Those would be lies. If it is our job as parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles and even friends to prepare them for what lies ahead, we'd better get busy and see that changes are made NOW, obviously tomorrow may be too late. There is no tomorrow for 50 souls that happily ventured out to hear a concert or socialize with their friends.................My heart aches as I find the need to transition from pain, agony, safety, religious and sexual freedoms to politics. Unfortunately, our safety and well being hinges, on a huge degree, on who makes the rules and how and if they are enforced. Hillary stated this morning, "It's not what we say, it's what we do!" (This from a woman who says way too much in her emails) It's way past time to DO! Fighting fire with fire may be our only option. The firestorm is now in progress and will wind down on election day, November 8, 2016. We are in control and we can take charge of not only who rules the roost but who sits in the chicken House (and Senate.) Our focus is now on Trump and Clinton but we need to remember that Congress is a controlling faction in almost everything in government. "We the people" needs to be our mantra once again...... before we have no people left!
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