Tuesday, December 29, 2015


We made it through Christmas and New Year's Eve is seldom celebrated (awake) at this house.  I'm usually awake but about 50 years past kissing myself in the mirror...I might send a few texts at midnight and a few wishes to friends on Face Book but that's the extent.  I'm never quite sure if I'm happy for all the great things that happened in the past year or thrilled that it's over.... probably a little of both.  I always like to think that I've learned new things and grown (in more ways than out) as a person in the past 365 days.  In that respect, I'm happy but still a tad disappointed that not everyone was as fortunate as I was (am.)  With age comes a great respect for appreciation.   I've decided that being appreciated is almost better than being loved, respected or successful.  All of those things are measured differently by each of us but appreciation can be given and received by every single person regardless of age, income or education. It's pretty much a global virtue that many never articulate or reciprocate.... pretty sad actually! Maybe that's what my New Year's resolution will be.  I try valiantly to never make promises I can't keep so resolutions are generally few and far between.  This year, I will be more appreciative of what I have, who I have in my life and the ability I have to pay it forward.... (no money involved in this resolution.... That I can afford !)

So, as I hopefully move ahead and continue to wake up at least for the next 3 mornings......In 2016, I will appreciate more, let people know that I do, take less for granted and hope that those whom I love, will follow my example.

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