Wednesday, September 17, 2014


If patience is a virtue, I am virtuously virtue-less!!  With age, I have learned that "All good things take time",  "Good things come to those who wait," "Patience is bitter but its fruit is sweet," He that can have patience can have what he will," "Patience is the calm acceptance that things can happen in a different order than the one you have in mind!"   Well that's all well and good ....................but it's crap.  At 62, I enjoy calm, order and peace.... facilitating the waiting of more than just myself is interrupting my calm, order and peace.  I'm pretty good at making decisions which is a plus....the minus jumps in when it doesn't happen pretty quickly.  I decide what gift I'm giving, I find it and buy it.  I decide who's going to paint for me, I hire him and it gets painted. I choose to build,  I find a builder and he builds it.  I'm not comfortable with being at the mercy of others to complete my tasks and achieve my goals....yes, even senior citizens have goals.  They may be shorter and simpler, but we have 'em!
If you haven't yet figured it out, the "kids" have still not closed on their house. I will not bore you with the details, the legalities and the dysfunction but lets say it would be easier for me to conceive........literally! 
Each week (night) they work on completing more projects, albeit furniture, lighting or décor.  They're optimistic (outwardly) but discouraged (inwardly.)  Almost 2 months living out of a suitcase is depressing.  I love having everyone here but they're ready to fly the coop and make a nest of their own.  It's really hard at my age to keep my fingers crossed and then try to use them......just sayin'.
So, for all of you who obviously have too much spare time and even think about reading my rantings, keep your fingers crossed for them, if only for a second, and maybe a move will be imminent.  Maybe the snap of our fingers will reach the ears of those who impede the process....
keep 'em crossed for them...and me!Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.

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