's a bit surreal. We no longer have telephones connected to wires, we can actually see who we're talking with on the telephone and computer (Holy Jetsons) and soon our packages will be delivered by drones..(the ones in the air not in the brown trucks that of late find it easier just to drop all their packages at the post office!) It's a bit daunting on one hand and pretty awesome on the other.
I've been around for over 6 decades, multiple terrorist attacks, the raising of 2 children, 1 granddaughter and a husband (still a work in progress), 2 childrens' weddings ........and divorces and 11 presidents which we still haven't gotten right. You'd think we'd be smarter by now!
In 4 months, I'll be eligible for social security...I forgot, you have to have worked to get that... SHIT! We all know I haven't done a damn thing....but wait, neither has Congress and they get all that good stuff for life and they don't have to deal with Obamacare...Lucky lame ducks!
They say these are the golden years. Who'd have ever thought that would arrive so quickly and be full of so many quirks. And where's the gold? Today I received 3 tax bills, 2 insurance policies and another ad for life insurance (really?). No gold in sight.
The decisions just seem to get harder to make and have such dire consequences. Retire or can we decide:-) The weirdest part is, sometimes we come to a mutual decision and then forget what it was and we have to start all over again. Soon we'll need to record ourselves just to save decision making time. Thankfully that brings us back to all that new technology. We've mastered our new phones..sort of.. we can text (with the help of Siri), we can call, (with the help of Siri) and we can even take pictures all on our own. Now if we could learn to video ourselves, well that's a story for another day.......;-)
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