Let the cooking begin. A little shaved rib eye and some soupe' a l'oignon! Les ingre'dients sont coupe'es pour Eiffel Tower salade. Other than that we know oui, non, merci beau coup, bon soir, bon jour, bon voyage and vous le vous couche avec moi ce soir.......I'll skip the last as I prefer to sleep solo...or at least not touching..I know, that's not very French but c'est la vie!!
It's snowing up a storm right now and the smell of the soup and the beef is almost more than I can stand. Tomorrow,
a few more dishes to prepare, off to the "Bakery a la Copley," a necessary stop at the liquor store (I know it's a 7 year old's party but varying ages celebrate varying ways:-) and a stop for French Vanilla ice cream and French bread and we will be ready to light up the tower and partee'!
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