Monday, July 1, 2013

Another Rainy Monday

I really never minded rainy days and you all know I love Mondays but seriously today pretty much far.  Today has been however, a learning experience.  This is what I've learned and it isn't even noon.

  • Never rent or loan something that you have any attachment to or think someone else might enjoy using again.... ever!
  • Clean is a relative term with obviously different meanings to different people.
  • Nobody really wants to work anymore....
  • A bit of skill is required to write a check
  • 40 days of rain makes your hair frizzy
  • Men enjoy being the good guy with as much pleasure as they do serving up their spouses as the walking evil......just saying
  • Not all lawyers are bad
  • All good things take time and a HUGE helping of patience
  • It's not a bad thing to have a bloody mary for lunch especially when it's RIGHT NOW!
  • My daughter is usually there when I need a helping hand or two!
Happy Monday:-)

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