Thursday, May 23, 2013 ever increasing disease

I continue today to be dumbfounded....and I'm fitting in quite nicely. A few , and I realize it actually is just a few, people have been taking to the streets of local social media with their views about our schools and education in general.  One individual said he couldn't see one thing in the budget that directly affected the kids except the library..     I'm assuming, and you know what that does, that he's referring to the

Powers Library proposition.  Unfortunately once again, we have no control over that.  That is the

avenue they are allowed to use to raise funds.  Let me be clear.... I have always disagreed with the use

 of the school as a venue to raise money for a private organization.  I feel it's ambiguous to voters and

is never clearly explained.  If, on the other hand, he was meaning the school library....they all use it.

Every single line on the budget directly affects the students.  The teacher salaries and benefits

should be a no brainer. Safe buildings and grounds should be a given...Look at Oklahoma or

New Town. Let's not begrudge our children or anyone's children....SAFETY.  Programs...this gets


It would be nice if districts were given the luxury to teach what and how they were trained to do.

Legislators should not be mandating things they have no knowledge about.

 Can you spell MANDATE?  I'm not sure anyone, unless involved directly with

 education, has any idea what is out of the hands of our local districts and their staffs.  And let's be

 perfectly clear....most mandates come with no funds attached!!!!

Once again, it's a matter of being not just uninformed but more and more of

being misinformed. 

I try to remain calm and answer questions as simply and accurately as possible. I try to

 explain what is a misconception and reroute them to the truth.  If I don't know the answer,

 I find it!!! There is no shame in not having an answer. The shame is pretending you do and

promoting the snowballing affect of misinformation.

We have 4 weeks to correct the misguided information and disseminate the facts.  I don't

believe it's anyone's intention to lie, or "work the numbers" or "spin a story" or "threaten"

anyone.  The facts are there, the numbers aren't pretty but it is what it is and the worst

case scenarios have been addressed.  If the "what could happen in the future"" info wasn't


 to the public, people would be furious, when and if it happened, that they had no idea it was a

 possibility.  As I told

 someone this morning... It's a lot better to be annoyed now than blindsided in the future.

I think if a few people got their head out of their asses now, they would see the whole shitty

situation a little more clearly.

 That darn "opticrectalosis!"  It strikes so many!

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