Thursday, December 13, 2012

Sounds....good to me

Sounds.....are amazing. They can evoke happiness and sadness. They can instantly transport you back to a certain time and/or place.  They can make you smile, cry, laugh and some can even make you hungry.... true story!  I've given this a lot of thought (well the hour that I was lying awake from 4:09 to 5:09 this a.m.)  Here are my top ten favorites and my top 10 not so much sounds lists.  (Where's David Letterman when I need him?....who cares, I really don't like him )


    • 10- our backyard waterfall(s)  We have lived here for 4 years and I still sleep with my window cracked to hear the calming roar of the falls....
    • 9-   our backyard birds  I've become fairly skilled at bird sound recognition...
    • 8-   train whistles  I immediately return to Overbrook or even farther back to a little spot where my Uncle Jack and Aunt Nancy lived in in Florida...way back in the 50's... right next to the train tracks:-)
    • 7-   laughter   listening to people laughing.........makes me simple
    • 6-   The Beach Boys  anything they sing still makes me smile, dance and sing's not pretty but it's wonderful
    • 5-   Steve Harvey and Dufus, our roosters.  Steve is highly skilled and Dufus attempts a pathetic imitation.  They're worth the cost, the hassle and the chicken shit:-)
    • 4-   Thunder   As long as I'm safe and dry, I love thunderstorms:-)
    • 3-   Silence   Simon and Garfunkel knew what they sang!
    • 2 -  Jeff's motorcycle ring means he was thinking about me and calling to "check in"
    • and my number 1 favorite sound        "Love you"
    •                                                                Bailee  "love you too"
    •                                                                me       "Love you more"
    •                                                                Bailee  "love you the most!"

  • 10- gunshots   Not a big fan of guns and hunting but I live in a Duck Dynasty, so "I deal about it"
  • 9-   dentist drills   obvious reasons
  • 8-   sirens   someone is hurt, ill, in trouble or on fire:-(
  • 7-   coughs  germs are spreading and someone feels shitty
  • 6-   cracking knuckles  drives me insane.....almost there!
  • 5-   heart monitors   on TV or for real.....:-(
  • 4-   buzzing   I hate all kinds of flying, buzzing insects
  • 3-   crying     just plain makes me sad
  • 2-   the phone ringing in the middle of the night
  • And my number 1 most disliked sound is....yelling......NOTHING is ever accomplished by it!
And then I went back to sleep!!

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