Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Last night at 11:??, 25 mg of atenolol (BP meds) wasn't enough.  I'm sure I wasn't the only football fan that was on their feet and wondering just what the hell was happening to our favorite sport. The entire week-end had been fraught with inaccuracies.....Coaches and players are now reviewing game tapes and getting scouting reports on the REFS....WTH NFL.  Last night was the icing on the cake.  There was just a post on Face Book that possibly Commissioner Goodell has the power to overturn last night's outrageous call.....but should he?  I say unequivocally. "NO!"  If last night's call was overturned, all the horrendous calls from the first 3 weeks would have to be reviewed and overturned.  Instead, the commissioner should concede to the ref's demands and put them back to work.  No amount of money is comparable to what the NFL brings in and makes.  It's making a mockery of the game we love.  The only ones winning thus far this season are the locked out refs.  Their smiles are most likely from ear to ear.
Another good point is rules... these replacements are coming from high schools and colleges.  All rules are different.  Pop Warner actually follows most NFL rules, then you go to high school...new rules and finally off to college with a brand new set of rules.... ending up back to the rules you learned in Pop Warner in the NFL.... One set of logical, safe rules would help.
It will be an interesting week and we may see some ground breaking precedents set.... Let's hope week 4 brings back those "God damned blind idiots" we've loved to hate for so long... Remember, you never knew what you had...........till you didn't!!!

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