Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Happy Birthday to Leroy!!  He's finally reached the age of maturity.....oh wait......that's security...social security.  The sad part is after working his entire life....he wouldn't even collect enough (of his own money) to pay his health insurance.  Oh that's right. I forgot. Barack Obama is planning to take care of him......or as Bailee naively calls him, Black Obama ( I love that girl).  We'll believe that when we see it.
Today was a big day for birthdays in our crew.  My Dad would have turned 92 today and my uncle celebrated today as well. Even my brother-in-law's dad had his birthday today.  
Lee's had many "happys" on FaceBook this morning and texts and calls have been rolling in.  Bailee had made him a card before she was off to the Sperm Bank for the week.....and we'll celebrate at supper tonight. Birthdays are pretty special around here although since reaching the 60's, we usually celebrate if we just wake up!!

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