Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Our first GRAND graduate

Today is Kindergarten Graduation..I mean Celebration....and Miss Bailee is ready whether you see her coming or see her going!  Thank goodness the new elementary auditorium is air conditioned as the temps are expected to be 95+.  I just love how our Kindergarten families are so excited about this day.  Small towns really do rock.  A couple of local fire dept. families even surprised their graduates with a "Last day of Kindergarten" ride to school.  I think that's pretty awesome.  It will be a fun afternoon with singing, report cards, pictures (of course) and the joy of seeing the anticipation of who they'll share the next year with..both teachers and classmates.
Congratulations all you Miniature Adults... I think the next generation (The Class of 2024) will be in pretty good hands♥♥♥

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