Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Bird- Brain

I'm wait, that's fishing....I'm feathered!!  I have been watching a robin find the perfect location to build her nest and lay her beautiful, blue eggs.  I have faithfully been watching 2 nest cams from inhabited by red tail hawks and one by blue herons.  Thankfully I have no real job or I would have been recently laid off.....Watching the hawks last night saw the minute hand travel completely around  my clock...and then some. I seem to be developing a rather disturbing pattern... I enjoy watching dead animals being ripped apart to feed various winged creatures.  Some folks go to a nursing home or assisted living in their old age.... I may be going to Sapsucker Woods!!! I do prefer my meat just a little more well done but give me a comfy nest and someone to bring my meals and I'll be a happy camper.  Last night as I watched the new newly hatched hawks, the eldest was pecking the heck out of the youngest...It felt vaguely familiar! The hawk nest cam is on top of a light pole on one of the athletic fields at Cornell. The camera operators do a magnificent job managing the cameras as well as the dialogue with viewers. Here are a few of still shots taken from the web cam....Mom is Big Red and Dad is Ezra... they are very good parents:-)

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