Monday, December 12, 2011

My responsibility

Being a Grandma, I now realize that it is my responsibility (and joy) to teach my granddaughter certain things.  Her Mom has done an exceptional job with manners and good hygiene..I just reinforce. I have worked hard on the grammar end of language.  Her speech teacher triumphed as she coaxed the hard g's and c's and finally the last challenge of "r"..or as Bailee says it..."r-er"!  Papa has taught her that not all Grandpas can hear and that sometimes they are grumpy and don't want to play school or Twister... (one HUGE difference between Grandmas and Grandpas).  Her teachers are working on patience and socialization as well as all that educational stuff (and we know they are
greatly underpaid and under appreciated). So it really comes back to Grandmas, at least this one, to teach the big how to set the table; kisses and hugs are appropriate always; saying I love you should be voiced as easily as "hello"; Grandma's can keep secrets; showing Gram how to use the iPhone, TiVo, or DVD should always come across as Grandma showing YOU!; there's nothing more fun than reading or writing; September through January, Sundays are for football and most importantly....the difference between offense and defense..!!!  The rest of life's lessons will come soon enough but in the meantime...if you need to know, ask Grandma!

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