Good bye November. Wow those 30 days flew by. Birthdays and Thanksgiving are now behind us and we're jumping into December head first. I thought I had done SO well getting the outside decorations up (Thanks Jess) but.... coming in the driveway last night I said "YUK". I guess I am way too anal about it..period. Just as in paint...there are many colors of white..or clear in light lingo. Now we have different categories of lights as well, LED being one of the newest... They cost more, last longer and have a blue tint to them....just like those nasty headlights that I bitch about each time I meet them! So, why the heck did I buy the them to decorate our yard... I have NO idea and I'm paying for it..literally. After looking from the road last night, I bought more of the darn things to replace the normal white lights on our bushes. I still dislike the lights but at least they'll match. Why couldn't they have a nice green glow...I hate blue.........................................................OK I'll get over it......................
Good bye were good!
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