Thursday, September 1, 2011

Biting off more than you can chew:-(

Got a call from Lee bright and early this morning (6:30 AK time).  I thought they were getting an early start to their seaplane adventure this morning....NOT.. they were just returning from a night in the ER:-( :-(  Jeff had gotten a piece of steak caught in his esophagus and as he "got it back up and out", had irritated his throat.  I think the blood scared him as well as having some difficulty breathing and pain.. Dad made an executive decision and off the hospital they went... Sounds like they were there all night but were taken care of well.  They're sleeping now and may be putting off their scenic, seaplane ride scheduled for today.  I thought it was bad being 700 miles away when your child is hurt! I'm really not liking being 4,196.54 miles away !!! (but who's counting??....ME!).... Thankfully, they have 6 more days to recover, regroup and re-plan.....Hope he wakes up feeling much better.....

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