This morning finds me sitting at my desk, lights on, listening to the first "April Shower" accompanied by wind and thunder. I think I can actually see the grass growing if I look closely. Our back yard is beginning to look springy and the squirrels and chipmunks are quickly trying to relocate their stashes from the snowbank pantries they have made over the past month to someplace a little more secure. Turkeys were here this morning and the deer stopped in for a visit last night. A busy time at EIEIO.
Heart beat - We're settling in to our new prescription regimen. I put Lee's morning and evening pills out for him along with a detailed description of how many, when, what they look like and what they're for posted on his dressing room mirror. (just in case I drop dead). He's acclimating pretty well and appears to be taking it all in stride. Our menus are beginning to change. I think I'm missing the salt as much as he is but we're "dealing about it!" We are looking forward to the addition of a new garage kitchen in the near future. We need a change of venue for our broiling facility and the great room/kitchen is NOT the place. We've been checking out some pretty fancy stoves...those of you who know me well, know that a stove has never been a priority much less a necessity. We went to the store the other night and it took us forever as Lee thought he had to read the saturated fat, sodium, cholesterol and calorie content on each and every item! By the way, eating healthy is not synonymous with eating cheaply. This is not what I thought the Golden Years meant!!!
I made it through my 59th birthday. Now, I get to begin my 60th year and I'm seeing some big changes. As long as we're all around to implement them, I'll be happy. As I said on Friday, I was nonplussed with the birthday wishes I received. I had 152 well wishers on Face Book alone along with many cards, text messages, phone calls and gifts. Thank you all so much... After a few stressful weeks, it was a welcomed day!
This week brings Jess's birthday. She'll be 29 and starting her 30th year. My Mom will celebrate her 89th birthday in a couple of weeks and that will begin her 90th year. Wow,,,,, we'll be having some milestone birthday parties next April. Where in the world did all that time go? We have lots of April birthdays. As one of our cousins remarked this week-end, there must have been some great 4th of July celebrations in years' past :-)
That about wraps up our Monday morning "catch up." I'll try to scrape up some words of wit or wisdom for the rest of the week. Sometimes it seems like they're both on sabbatical. Have a great week everybody!
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