Thursday, March 3, 2011

Is Knowledge really power?

I will never win a Pulitzer, an Oscar or a Nobel Peace prize but on the other hand, I'll never be in contention for East Podunk person of the year either.  I'm content knowing that I know a lot about a little but often not much about anything.  I can hold my own most nights during Jeopardy, Cash Cab and even Wheel of Fortune but sometimes have to look up a state capital or check the dictionary for a correct spelling. Maybe knowing my limitations or even knowing where to find the answers is knowledge in itself.  The hardest part of knowledge is knowing that with it, does not come power.  No matter what we do or how well we do it, some things are entirely out of our control. Every night I repeat the Lord's Prayer.I understand the words and I emphasize "deliver us from evil" with gusto.  I end with a litany of "God Bless's" which, in itself, scares me silly.  The names I continue to add to my list panics me more each night. I guess each of us prays in their own way and actually saying the words isn't mandatory. I've decided of late that a shorter prayer is more conducive to my personal beliefs. The Serenity prayer pretty much wraps it up for me.
           God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the power to change                              the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
  (And to all my pals...NO! I didn't learn that at my last AA meeting :-)
And to close.. I think there's an enlightening difference between intelligence and knowledge and  knowledge and wisdom. Few people possess all three!

and p.s....this is still my very favorite quote.... Being in church, doesn't make you a Christian any more than being in a garage makes you a car!

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