Friday, November 26, 2010


Another great Turkey Day.  We had a pleasant surprise in the morning when Bailee's Dad forgot it was his holiday. (WTH) . We were thankful that he's an idiot !!  (once again my outside voice).  We gathered at Jon and Lisa's. They always step up to host the day. It was relatively quiet and relaxing (except for the boisterous voice of a 4 year old).  The food was wonderful, as always and the stories always make us laugh....even if we tell the same ones, year after year!!  We missed Delores who was serving dinner at the Moose in Florida, the Kehoe's who were sharing the day w/ Danielle's Grandma and family, Christina and Ava who stayed in Rochester w/ her crew and of course Jerm in N.C. and our California crew.  Maybe one day we'll all get together♥

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