Tuesday, October 20, 2020

A Great Anniversary

 What a difference a year makes. Bailee returned to us one year ago today. After a horrible 3 week stay in the south, an eye-opening relocation, a reality check of monumental proportions and a 13 hour car ride to sanity, she was literally dropped in our driveway to regain a life of love and stability... Who knew?

  Who new that today she would be sitting in her comfy bedroom, synchronously (my most new, unfavorite word) pursuing her education.  Two days in person classes and two days online ALL DAY!!!! She was so excited to get back to her classes in the building but that novelty wore off as the halls became nearly silent. They're literally masked in unfamiliarity! No smiles, little chatter, no hallways lined with posters announcing school elections, upcoming social events or amazing artwork created by the talented students.  Stale air, fogged glasses, overloaded backpacks (lockers can only be used for coats and then left open...) and now your teacher who was happy to have face to face contact with at least half of his/her students is juggling 1/2 in their seats and 1/2 on their screens.

  I try to be supportive of the bizarre steps that are being taken but the inconsistency has become a huge distraction. Families worked hard to put their back to school houses in order and make their personal logistics work.  Six weeks later, it all changed.  Fortunately, our household can be flexible...many cannot. I take huge exception to being told how to arrange my home.... acceptable backgrounds, no snacking, appropriate school attire (at home), limiting household noise during classes...which by the way is 9:02 - 3:20 on synchronous days (Tuesday and Friday!)  

  My last bitch for this post is the Honors and Advanced programs. Bailee take Honors Global History, Honors ELA English), advanced math (Geometry) and advanced Science (Earth Science!)  First let me say..WAY TO GO Bailee!!!  I am so proud of your intelligence and commitment! Now to my disagreement.  Because these course are harder, faster and loaded with more content, they're adding TEN points to each average...WTH..... Bailee is pulling mid to high 90s in all but one of these courses...there are no grades above 100.....I think the addition of these extra points is a disservice to those kids who are already achieving 90s. We should be teaching these kids that you get what you earn! I understand it's an incentive to take tougher courses but ten points is a bit excessive...unless of course you're slacking with the idea that "Hey, I get a 10 point push at the end of the marking period so why not!"  Would I want to be an educator or administrator these days?... Absolutely not but these extremes push past even the abnormal new normal that we're swimming in.

  I'm really just whining as we're doing what we must and surviving and others have it tougher. Maybe I'm just posting for posterity when years down the road someone will read this and realize we couldn't make this stuff up...  Maybe it's just this new generation walking 5 miles to school, uphill in the snow with bread bags in their boots!  We'll see!


Friday, October 9, 2020

Another month.....fretting!

 I cannot believe that I'm only rambling every month or so...at least on "paper!"  I really don't have more to do it just seems to take me longer to do it!  I am on target for my Christmas chores.  I do have Jim Bob ready for fall and Halloween and I still manage to keep the dishes washed, the laundry done and occasionally dust (when the sun makes it absolutely necessary.) I do seem to spend an inordinate amount of time fretting.  I never used to do that and I'm hoping it's just an old age thing but I also have a bit more responsibility than some folks my age.....not complaining.....well just a little!

On the other hand, I find joy in so many little things!  The other day I found the heavy duty gift boxes I have been searching for....remember the old Chappells' store yellow boxes? The ones we ended up packing away Christmas things in while throwing away the flimsy ones that flattened when you breathed on them! I was at my local Dollar store and there they were.....only $3.50 and the shelves were loaded. The ones I had found online were nearly $11..for ONE!!!  My father would roll over if he knew I even bought boxes! Joy remained with me that morning as I turned into the next aisle and VOILA..there was Lysol. I have not been able to find it since March and we literally inhale it here.. (not always purposely!)  I am now able to rid the door handles, faucets, cupboard knobs, appliance handles, remotes and keyboards of any little germ who thought he had a chance in here. It's not like drinking Clorox, Donald but pretty damn close. ( I knew you were being facetious.) More joy radiates as I just look out the window at the landscape and its beauty! My grandkids now "oo and ah" with me as we drive down the roadways... one in true appreciation, the other in vociferous sarcasm...(guess which one is the teenager!) Another obvious joy for me is football.  I love everything about it (except kneeling of course!)  My Buffalo Bills are bringing me immense joy, Tom Brady not being able to keep track of downs brings a kind of euphoria I haven't felt in years (story for another day) and Sundays watching from my recliner for 12 hours uninterrupted is a comfort I only enjoy during the season! As I said, it's the little things!

The days are getting shorter, I get sleepy earlier, a bit of irregular routine is in place (if the school would stick to one plan) and Hallmark movies are right around the corner. Fretting has its place and I know that it most likely will solve nothing. Old age does bring some wisdom! As the saying goes, I must accept the things I cannot change, change the things I can and find the wisdom to know the difference. I can do it!!!