Friday, July 29, 2016

Wedding Week.. or is it Weak? :-)

We are down to single digits and Wedding Week is in progress.  A few minor bumps so far but we'll get through it...just like every bride and groom and their respective families..... Soon to be one big crazy family and I mean to emphasize CRAZY!  

Most of us head out Sunday for the St. Lawrence River where we'll spend the week at Lacie's uncle's beautiful home. It's an amazingly relaxing venue and we're hoping, even with a wedding popped in the middle, it will be once again.  Jeff has some of his favorite pals coming from Charlotte and immediate family will be in attendance....God willing and the creeks don't rise ( little of chance of that in the midst of a drought!)

There's a slight chance of a few pictures being taken and a larger one of me posting to the blogging and FB world..  I promise not to over-post....Oh hell, who are we kidding, they'll be hundreds!!!!  I'll be off the radar for a while but will return after the 7th like Dorothy in a tornado. Cross your fingers for some good weather, calm nerves, scenic days and nights, casino luck and the perfect start to "Happily Ever After!"  After all, if Lee and I can survive nearly 50 together years.... anybody can!!!!...even with us for in-laws!

Thursday, July 28, 2016


Sometimes I wonder what I could have done differently...or is it really just that complex debate about nature versus nurture?

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Four decades and a year ago.......

I remember most of it pretty well.  Dad had watered the lawn until the well nearly went dry, they had bolstered the cottage so it would hold the guests (although we NEVER rehearsed what we'd do if it rained,) we negotiated parking from our cantankerous neighbor and chauffeured those with fears of driving down the driveway.  The weather was perfect, Wendy sang beautifully while Janice Reynolds played the organ on the screened in porch, our flower girls (Jill and Mary Beth) were cute as little buttons and we didn't even panic when "sightseers" lost power and drifted into shore.  My dress blew in the breeze as did Lee's hair.....:-) and we were surrounded by our closest family and friends!  It was perfect.... The reception was held at the Cork and Fork (golf course) where Lee was whisked away by the "girls" and I was "kidnapped" by the guys..... We ended up at Glen View after a short stop at my grandfather's who remarked, "I knew it wouldn't last" as we arrived in separate cars less than an hour after our vows!  ..................................little did he know!

The honeymoon was a night in Ithaca so we could return to Overbrook to celebrate with friends and family.  Although it might be TMI, the night was uneventful as we put quarters in the vibrating bed and it wouldn't turn off........ We did......and got a much deserved good night's sleep so we could party hardy again on Sunday.

As I look back at the photos, we are still surrounded by so many wonderful friends that joined us that day.  We have been fortunate to make amazing, new friends over the years who already seem like we've been lifelong friends.  We have two pretty great kids, an amazing DIL to be and two grandchildren who literally rock our world and make aging worth the aches and pains.

So many of our friends (and family) haven't reached such milestones for so many reasons; poor health, poor circumstances and poor choices.  Nothing's perfect but perfection isn't always fun!

Here's to as many more as we can squeeze in before fate appears.....or we kill each other!!

Monday, July 18, 2016

All smiles!

This smile has made me fall in love with him all over again.  We gathered to celebrated Julia's 14th birthday yesterday.  Family and friends munched, laughed and enjoyed the afternoon on Jeff and Lacie's brand new deck.  Jett was such a good boy and smiled all day. If you don't smile when you look at this picture, you'll never smile again....just sayin' ♥

Tuesday, July 12, 2016


Our little Jett is growing like a weed.  Milestones are happening all the time.  Rolling from back to tummy (he's done tummy to back for months,) eating real food that doesn't taste like 10 day old milk from a dead cow, laughing out loud, smiles not generated by gas, sitting up on his own (sort of,) and holding his own bottle! We're REALLY hoping some teeth pop through very soon.... like about 3 weeks ago.  If he doesn't drown in his drool.......we will!  He's so darn cute with his giant smile and long eyelashes that anything he does will be cute....He can, on the other hand, go from big smiles to blood curdling screams in an instant.  We're all getting used to it and know that he needs a bottle asap... That usually facilitates a short 15 minute nap which cures the screams and produces the smiles once again.   He loves it outdoors and will be getting plenty of fresh air and special handling during wedding week ....which is only 2.5 weeks away..... YIKES!

Friday, July 8, 2016

Happy Camper

This afternoon I get to pick Bailee up from camp... That was a quick 5 nights and 6 days.  It looks like she has had a great time... the perfect venue for a week in the 90's!!!  I hope she loved it so much that she's ready to sign up for next year too.  She has a busy summer planned with a trip to Greek Peak, a week at the river for Uncle Jeff's wedding and somewhere we'll fit Rec at the Glen in between!  Next thing you know, it'll be clothes shopping, supplies in the backpack and off to her LAST year in the elementary school.  She did mention that she was already looking forward to 5th grade.  Our "Norfolk Navy" family is headed back to NYS as Tiffany (Landis) is ready to "retire" (from the Navy at least) and join the rest of this crazy family back in Hometown, USA.  Luke will be in Bailee's class next year and I'm hoping it will be wonderful for them both!!!  Luke's my partner in all things eagle.

Pretty sure the rest of the summer is going to fly by with lots of family, lots of fun and lots of memories!

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

All decked out

The fourth of July has come and gone.  Seems like it was just April.  Before you know it, Bailee will be home form camp, we'll be at the river, Jeff and Lace will have tied the knot and we'll be ready for their Happily Ever After party and back to school.  Time flies and every year that gets a little scarier:-0

Jett will be 5 months old tomorrow and he's rolling over, holding his own bottle and ready to cut every tooth in his little head!  If you could drown in drool, he'd need a life jacket!

Bailee is showing her independence by staying at sleep away camp for 6 days and 5 nights.  That's a big exciting step as she's never stayed anywhere but home or with me.  The camp has a website that posts daily pictures and it looks like she's having a great time... Perfect camp weather at 80-90 degrees... (personally, I hate it)

We're getting a brand new super highway going by our house.  The pavers are slowly rolling along directly out front today... Wonder if I could trade some ice, cold lemonade for a blacktopped apron to my driveway?   Probably not!

We desperately need some rain to turn our brown yards back to green.  We're really just never happy.... too cold, too hot, too dry, too we have a choice anyway!

I guess that's all the news to share on this Monday that's really a Tuesday.