Diversion.. I need one... I was so stressed yesterday that I removed a chocolate Easter bunny from Bailee's upcoming Easter basket, ripped open the package and bit the ears right off. They were so good, I gobbled up the rest and amazingly felt pretty good about it. There must be something therapeutic about chocolate... at least for me:-) The afternoon ended on a bit higher note when the director of nursing at Groton called and was truly sympathetic and seemed eager to help all she can...
We're gettin' chickens!! A few years ago, Lee spent much of our time in Florida sitting in the backyard watching the neighbor's chickens pursue certain activities (some a little kinkier than others.) He disturbingly enjoyed it a little more than I thought was normal. He even mentioned on the way north that "we should get some chickens!" Now, I was worried! Thankfully we were still in the inaugural months of our new home and I intelligently explained why that wasn't the best idea at this stage of the game. He agreed...or maybe he just didn't hear me !! I've been able to stave off the poultry discussions for the past few years......until now.... We were in the HUT watching a few movies last week-end. One of them was "Hop". A fun and entertaining movie intertwined with animation and real life actors......................and chicks! We had a family meeting later in the day and decided maybe it was time to revisit the chicken discussion. Hey we DO live at EIEIO..and it makes perfect sense to have a chick, chick here!!! We've had the offer of a few chicks and even a few laying hens... We decided we could convert our unused smoke house into chicken quarters. (That doesn't sound quite right...). When they're ready to leave the "house', we'll pen them across the creek. Papa explained to Bailee that an occasional weasel or fox could inadvertently "get to" the birds and enjoy one for supper. "That's OK Papa, that's just the circle of life!" Excuse me, she's how old? I heard Lee explaining to some of his male customers today that he was so old, the only way he could get chicks.....was to buy them:-) After a laugh, one fellow explained that we'd need a rooster too. I then explained that I was so old, the only way I could get a good..........was to buy one too!
Stay tuned.... this should be fun fodder for some interesting, future blogs!